Wednesday, September 11, 2013

33 Things I Love About My Husband On His 33rd Birthday

33.  I love it when you ask me to spell words for you.
32.  I love the way you roughhouse with our little boy.
31.  I love that you love to wear ties.
30.  I love the way you will organize a meal for guests.
29.  I love how you will watch the beginning of Brave or Shrek thousands of times without complaining so that Luke can enjoy the movie for a few minutes.
28.  I love the way you play with our little boy when I am under the weather.
27.  I love when you pair food and wine together.
26.  I love how excited you are over a new pair of shoes.
25.  I love your treasures from all over the world.
24.  I love that you will make late night runs for chocolate when we have none at home.
23.  I love that you like to shop.
22.  I love how you abhor fast food.
21.  I love how you want to eat organic food and Ramen noodles.
20.  I love it when you get up in the middle of the night with our son.
19.  I love how you get excited over homemade anything.
18.  I love the way you give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay.
17.  I love your ability to laugh at yourself.
16.  I love your desire to have only the best of anything.
15.  I love your attention to details.
14.  I love the chocolates you make.
13.  I love how big you dream.
12.  I love that you take care of the cars.
11.  I love how you despise bad coffee.
10.  I love how you enjoy a good cup of coffee.
9.  I love that you read nonfiction books.
8.  I love your willingness to discuss difficult issues.
7.  I love how you can cook anything better than a restaurant.
6.  I love your loyalty to friends near and far.
5.  I love how all of your goals focus on helping missionaries.
4.  I love your close relationship with your parents.
3.  I love how you will work a full day and come home and make dinner when I am tired.
2.  I love how tenderhearted you are.
1.  I love the way you love the LORD.

You are the man of my dreams.  You are the man I prayed for.  Happy birthday Handsome.