Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Trying to be More Like Mary Than Martha

I will admit that I am sometimes jealous when I discover books with a title that I have considered for my imaginary book. Yes, I am an aspiring writer and completing a novel is on my bucket list.  There is a book titled Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.  It is on my to read list as I am intrigued by the title.

I often find myself walking a fine line between busyness and fellowship.  Mary and Martha were sisters who lived together.  When Jesus came to visit them, Mary sat at his feet and listened to his stories while Martha served the others.  Martha complained about this and Jesus sided with Mary.  Luke 10:38-42

My perfectionistic tendencies are rooted in observations I made of women during my early years.  By this, I mean women gossiping and picking apart one another (their friends) for any reason imaginable; weight, hair, clothes (or lack thereof), discipline techniques and how clean the house was.

Remembering the harshness of these words, I have always tried to appear perfect and keep a spotless house.  In fact, that is how Josh described my apartment when he first met me.  It was pretty simple to keep a spotless home with only one adult living there who was at work most of the time.  When we got married, Josh would help me keep things in order.

Now, though, I stay at home with a toddler.  Two people are always home.  The record player in my head has, until recently, continued playing the soundtrack laid when I was young.  Over the past few months I have worked on having a messier house.  I do not dust weekly any longer.  I do not pull the furniture away from the wall and vacuum twice a week.  I do not dust the plant ledge in the kitchen monthly.  These are things I have consciously not done and it is honestly driving me a little crazy.

However, I am overall more relaxed now because I do not need to constantly clean.  I get to spend a few extra hours with my toddler making a mess we might or might not pick up, digging worms in the garden and filling his swimming pool with mud.

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